Category | Topics |
SupportThe Support Category is the best place to get help solving non-administrative related issue. Please check out our detailed, vetted Support Guides and the search first, before you start a new post.
AdminIssues with signing up or logging in to Netlify, billing questions, or a problem with the Netlify Support forums? Post here.
FeaturesNo support in this category. Share your feature requests, (read this before posting) and questions about pricing & plans here! We will post updates on fixes in this category.
ConnectLooking to learn more and connect beyond the keyboard? Talk, news, resources and organizing happen here.
Everything ElseMost of the time, your question likely belongs in the #Netlify-support category. If you are not sure if it does, put it here. Note: This is a temporary category - your post will be moved somewhere permanent.
OpentalkDiscussion only - no support. Opinions, experiments, projects, discussion. What harebrained idea, random quest, deep seated wish do you have for the present or future of web development? Talk about it here.